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6 Reasons To Consider Hydronic Baseboard Heaters

InterCounty Supply • December 7, 2020

6 Reasons To Consider Hydronic Baseboard Heaters

When the temperatures turn cool outside, you don’t want to have to think much about it. You want to turn your system on, adjust the thermostat, and maintain a nice warm, cozy temperature inside your home.

To make that happen, however, you’ve got plenty of options, including boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, radiators, and baseboard heaters. Let’s take a look at baseboard heaters. When considering baseboard heaters, you have two options: Convection heaters or hydronic heaters.

What Is A Convection Baseboard Heater?

Convection baseboard heaters suck in cool air, heat it up using electric coils, and then send warm air out into the room.

What Is A Hydronic Baseboard Heater?

If you’re wondering how hydronic baseboard heat work, the concept is relatively simple. A hydronic baseboard heater warms the liquid contained in the unit to provide heat. The non-toxic liquid, such as water or oil, is sealed within the system, and provide radiant heat to warm your home.

They work similarly to how radiators work but take up considerably less space and can be hidden along baseboards.

6 Reasons To Consider Hydronic Baseboards

When you’re deciding whether to go with convection or hydronic baseboard heating, here are five reasons you should take a serious look at hydronic baseboard heaters to keep your home warm.

  1. Are Hydronic Baseboard Heaters More Efficient? Yes.
    Hydronic wall heaters are more energy-efficient than convection heaters. A
    hydronic heater provides a more even heat, which means the thermostat won’t cycle on and off as often. This reduces your overall energy usage.
  2. Longer-Lasting Heat
    When convection units turn off, they stop producing heat. Hydronic heaters will continue to put out heat due to the heated liquid even after being shut off. This provided more balanced heating for longer periods.
  3. Safety
    A hydronic baseboard heater puts out a lot of heat but remains just warm to the touch. If you bump into it, you’re not as likely to burn yourself the way other heaters do.
  4. Cleaner Air
    Because you’re heating water instead of air, there are fewer concerns about allergens, pet dander, and dust. Hydronic units don’t use ductwork or blowing air. By adding moisture into the air with hydronic baseboards, there’s less dust in circulation throughout the room. Learn more about the importance of
    indoor air quality.
  5. Exceptionally Quiet
    Since there’s no air moving through ducts or blowing out into rooms, producing hydronic
    baseboard heat is much quieter than other forms of heating.
  6. Flexible Options
    Freestanding hydronic units are self-contained. The heat-transfer liquid is sealed within the unit and is controlled by a thermostat. Each unit works independently so you can choose which rooms you want to heat.

Built-in systems use a central boiler to heat the liquid and distribute it to the hydronic baseboard heaters throughout your home. Heat is transferred to each unit. When it cools, it returns to the boiler to be reheated.

Baseboard heaters can provide heat for your entire home. They can also be used for supplemental home heating. For example, rooms where they central heating system doesn’t quite keep you at the temperature you want might benefit from a baseboard heater for a little extra warmth when it’s needed.

Hydronic baseboard heaters will be more expensive initially for pre-existing homes. Once installed, however, it is one of the most efficient delivery methods for home heat. This translates into less energy usage and lower utility bills.

They will take longer to heat up. You don’t get the benefit of warm air until the liquid inside reaches the appropriate temperature to throw off heat. However, they also take longer to cool down which means you’ll continue to get nice, even heat for some time after the unit is turned off. View this guide to learn more about how hydronic heaters work.

Homeowner Looking For Reliable Heating, Cooling Or Plumbing Supplies?

Our dedicated specialists are standing by to help.

Most homeowners in need of new heating or cooling equipment will do an internet search to get information. Such a search will typically yield two results: what to buy or where to buy but not why to buy. At InterCounty Supply, as a wholesale supply house, we present all the options for what to buy and why it would be the best choice for YOUR situation. After all the options are presented a homeowner can decide for themselves what they need. ICS then has a licensed, factory trained contractor who SPECIALIZES in the equipment you need come to your home to provide the complete installation cost for the equipment you need. ICS will also handle all the paperwork for any rebates that are applicable.

Have questions, give us a call 914-939-4350 or fill out the form and one of our specialists will be in touch shortly.

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