As the cool weather fades and warmer temperatures are here, that means it’s time to crank on that beloved air conditioner. But what if you notice your AC keeps turning on and off? While this can be a frustrating situation to deal with, sometimes there’s an easy solution!
In this post, we’ll discuss some common reasons why your AC is turning on and off, including how to solve the issue.
What’s to Blame?
If your air conditioner turns on then shuts off, you’re dealing with a common HVAC problem. Unfortunately, this issue can be caused in several ways.
Here are some of the most common culprits:
When your air filter is dirty, this can cause several different HVAC problems. For one, it limits airflow. This can lead to poor indoor air quality, frozen evaporator coils, and other issues. If your air conditioner turns on and off right away, you may want to change your air filter.
An oversized air conditioner can also lead to this troubling AC problem. If you just recently bought your AC unit and you’re dealing with this issue, your system could be too large for your residence. When you own an oversized unit, your home will cool off too quickly and unevenly. That said, this is why the AC keeps turning on and off.
While this is a frustrating problem, it can also lead to many other issues. For one, when an air conditioner turns on and off right away, that can really drive up your energy bills. Additionally, your AC unit will be more prone to other issues, and this problem can even shorten your system’s lifespan.
The thermostat location has a huge effect on how your system operates. If your AC keeps turning on and off, you may want to relocate this device. As a thermostat is used to gauge the indoor temperature, you want it to provide a good representation of your entire home. If it’s found in a location that’s too hot or cold, your system may not work properly.
As a general rule of thumb, make sure your thermostat isn’t in direct sunlight or close to an air vent. Wanting to change the location? As this can be a tricky problem to fix on your own, an HVAC technician can handle the project with ease.
If you notice any refrigerant leaks, this could be why your air conditioner turns on and off right away. Refrigerant is a vital AC component used to cool the air from inside your home. When there are low refrigerant levels, this can lead to pressure issues in the compressor. This can cause a variety of system issues.
The majority of compressors have a low-pressure control that shuts off the compressor when there isn’t adequate pressure. When this system component is off, pressure begins to rise, leading to the compressor powering back on. This cycle can repeat itself over and over, causing an air conditioner that turns on then shuts off. If left untreated, this can lead to severe system issues—even a complete breakdown.
Given how this AC problem often involves your compressor and compressor coils, we highly recommend contacting an HVAC specialist for assistance. If you try fixing this yourself, you could risk causing further damage, potentially costing you thousands.
Not sure if your air conditioner is working correctly? If you’re uncomfortable in your home or just want an AC checkup for peace of mind, calling an HVAC professional is a step in the right direction.
To catch system issues before they become severe, we also recommend at least one AC maintenance visit a year. During these appointments, a skilled HVAC technician can check refrigerant levels, ensure clean filters, and look for any areas of concern.
Schedule an AC checkup today to do what’s right for your system!
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